My Unexpected Adventure Rescuing Tommy the Cat

A month ago, I encountered a cat in my backyard, one that I had seen around my neighborhood before, named Tommy by the local community. I hadn’t realized he was a stray until I found him injured that day. This orange tabby male had been living on the streets for about three years, surviving with the help of some neighbors who fed him occasionally. He also had the habbit of coming to my patio door to try and interact with my two housecats.

The day I found him, he had a long bloody gash on his face, likely from a fight with another animal. He was also covered in fleas and visibly lethargic. Knowing he needed help, I used a humane trap to catch him and kept him overnight in my laundry room until I could bring him to the Austin Animal Center.

Tommy Trapped

The center took him in and over the following days I visited Tommy and saw his condition improve. His wound healed, and his dirty fur began to look clean and shiny. The center’s staff and volunteers helped him grow comfortable around humans, and his affectionate side started to show. Even though he was a stray, he wasn’t fully feral, and quickly grew to enjoy human interaction.

Tommy the orange tabby is up for adoption on AAC’s website, though he’s still waiting to be neutered. Although I have grown attached to him, I can’t take him in, and hope he can find a forever home. Seeing him healthier and happier than ever has been truly rewarding, and I’m grateful for the role I played in his rescue.

Tommy Adoption

If you’re considering adopting a pet, please think about giving Tommy, our amazing orange tabby, a chance to bring love and joy into your home. Also, remember that there are many stray cats like Tommy who could benefit from a helping hand. If you come across a stray in your neighborhood, consider taking them to your local animal shelter, where they can receive the medical care and attention they need, including being altered. Together, we can help these brave cats find the life they deserve and contribute to creating a better, more compassionate world for all living beings.